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office (808) 329-1627


Sodar Auditing

Depending on the application, quality assurance auditing of a sodar system may be required to satisfy regulatory requirements or simply to ensure that a sodar system is collecting valid and accurate data. ART offers sodar auditing services at any location in the world for the Model VT-1 sodar system and for sodar systems manufactured by other organizations. The audit can be custom tailored to meet the client's requirements, but auditing of a sodar system typically involves testing both the transmit and receive functions and comparing the sodar data to co-located wind measurements over a period of time. Testing of the sodar's transmit and receive functions usually involves the use of a special sodar transponder as well as other test equipment. The comparison to co-located wind measurements is usually accomplished using another sodar system, a nearby meteorological tower, tethersonde or kite anemometer.

Key Benefits
  • Satisfies quality assurance requirements
  • Provides added authority to sodar data
  • Ensures data accuracy and may save time and resources