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SodarTools Calibration System (CalSys)

The Sodar Tools Calibration System (CalSys) provides the ability to field test the performance of the Model VT-1 sodar system using a laptop computer. Three software modules are provided: PulseCheck, MakeTone and Transpond.

  • PulseCheck captures the Model VT-1 transmit pulse and analyzes it for frequency with ±1-Hz accuracy.
  • MakeTone provides a continuous output tone that is selectable in 1-Hz increments and accurate to ±1 Hz. This tone can be used to measure the frequency response of the Model VT-1.
  • Transpond generates test signals that simulate a user specified wind speed and wind direction at a user specified height. These test signals can be used to assess the accuracy of the wind data reported by the Model VT-1.

Key Benefits

  • Provides convenient means of field testing the Model VT-1
  • Certifiable against independent, certified standards
  • Increases system confidence level
  • Conforms with U.S. guidelines for sodar QA procedures
  • Cost-effective compared to alternative means of sodar performance testing