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PCSodar's Discrete Spectra display shows the plotted spectral data for each wind component (W, V and U). The display is updated with each transmit pulse. The drop-down menu to the left of each plot is used to select the height whose data is to be plotted for that wind component. The vertical scale of each plot is the relative spectral magnitude; the horizontal scale is frequency (Hz). The Model VT-1 transmit frequency is centered on the horizontal scale at 0 Hz and is identified with a black dashed line. The area between the red dashed lines is the frequency region taken to represent the incoming signal. The solid red line is the frequency that PCSodar interprets as the frequency of the Doppler-shifted signal. Shown to the right of each plot is the Doppler shift, speed, amplitude, noise and signal-to-noise ratio. An example of the discrete spectra display is shown below.