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Model VT-1 Rain Gauge

An optional rain gauge is offered with the Model VT-1 which consists of an R.M. Young Model 52202 tipping bucket. As indicated in the graphic below, the Model 52202 rain gauge is mounted on the side of the Model VT-1 antenna enclosure. Precipitation data provided by this sensor is useful for sodar QC purposes as well as for normal climatological uses. Use of the rain gauge option also requires the Data Acquisition Module option.

When this option is installed, precipitation totals in units of millimeters for the current sodar averaging period are displayed on the sodar computer screen and recorded in the sodar data record. During periods of heavy precipitation, wind data from the Model VT-1 sodar system will generally be invalid. The precipitation data collected with this option can subsequently be used to perform quality control checks on the sodar data.