office (808) 329-1627
Sodar systems generally do not provide valid data during precipitation events, and any data collected during such periods usually needs to be invalidated to maintain data set integrity. The Model VT-1 sodar comes standard with a RainWise Inc. Precipitation Switch as pictured below.
The precipitation switch is integrated with the Model VT-1 sodar so that when a precipitation event occurs the sodar transmit amplifier is automatically switched off. The sensor consists of a gold-plated printed circuit board pattern that senses the presence of moisture. Any moisture on the surface of this board results in a contact closure. The surface of the board is heated, so that after precipitation has ended, the surface of the sensor will dry quickly. The heated surface also prevents the system from showing a false indication from dew. There are no moving parts and the sensor only draws about 2 to 3 watts of power.
The precipitation switch as incorporated into the Model VT-1 sodar system provides the capability to automatically invalidate the sodar wind data during precipitation events, making it unnecessary to perform secondary validation procedures to invalidate periods of precipitation.